Beautiful Image/Link Shortcode

A perfect touch to your website

Subtitles are optional
How to use

Aegaeus comes with super awesome user friendly Shortcode Generator which allows you to create any of many shortcodes in less than 2 clicks. If you prefer the code, you can find it below. You can copy-paste it to your page. Comments are annotated with double slashes //

Get the code
// Create four HB image box which link to MOJO Themes.


[hb_image_box image="" link="" title="Title goes here" subtitle="Subtitle goes here"]

[hb_image_box image="" link="" title="Title goes here" subtitle="Subtitle goes here"]

[hb_image_box image="" link="" title="Title goes here" subtitle="Subtitle goes here"]

[hb_image_box image="" link="" title="Title goes here" subtitle="Subtitle goes here"]


Available argument options
  • image – Link to your image in full format. Example:×400.jpg
  • link – Link for the box. Make sure to enter full link with http prefix. Example:
  • title – Specify a title.
  • subtitle – Specify a subtitle.