Commercial Size Steel Buildings
All buildings: 170mph wind Load , 12ga steel Frame, Florida Certified
Product quality: - American Steel from Nacogdoches Texas , All crew members are bonded and insured
----- Base Price estimates do not include taxes, local concrete cost, or local permit fees. -----
CSB1- 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB1 Specifications: 50'w x 50'L x 16'H - 170mph wind load - 16'w x 12'h rollup - walk in service door . . . . Base Price = TBD
CSB2 - 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB2 Specifications: 40'w x 50'L x 14'H - 170mph wind load - 10'w x 12'h rollup - walk in service door . . . . Base Price = TBD
$19338 - 26’w x 35’L x 12’h - 170mph, 12ga
CSB3 Specifications: 26’wide x 35’L x 12’h - 170mph wind load, 12ga steel frame - 3 10x10 rollup side mounted - 2 walk-in Service doors - Florida Certified Priced as Vertical roof with horizontal walls. Base Price = $19338 For further information call 863 594-4410
CSB4 - 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB4 Specifications: 60'w x 100'L x 20'H - 170mph wind load - 16'w x 16'h rollup - walk in service door . . . . Base Price = TBDCSB5 - 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB5 Specifications : TBD - Base Price =. TBD For further information call 863 594-4410
CSB6 - 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB6 Specifications : TBD - Base Price =. TBD For further information call 863 594-4410
CSB7 - 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB7 Specifications : TBD - Base Price =. TBD For further information call 863 594-4410
CSB8 — 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB8 Specifications : TBD - Base Price =. TBD For further information call 863 594-4410CSB9 - 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB9 Specifications : TBD - Base Price =. TBD For further information call 863 594-4410
CSB10 - 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
CSB10 Specifications : TBD - Base Price =. TBD For further information call 863 594-4410
Steel frame 30’-60’w - 170mph, 12ga - for quote call 863 594-4410
Data Structure view. - Width starts at 32' to 60'w - Length has no build restriction - Height starts at 10' to 20' max - W&W11 . . . . Max rollup door is 16'w x 16' tall - these structure types are all rated at 170 mph . . . . Call Ron Phillips 863 594-4410